O2Nails隐私政策 English

版本:v1.1 生效日期: 2020年12月24日




1. 概述





2. 我们收集哪些个人资料?


(1) 注册信息——当您注册账户以便使用我们的软件或服务时,我们会收集必要的个人资料以鉴别不同用户的身份。我们可能会要求您提供手机号码或电子邮箱、登录密码。

(2) 您主动提供的信息——您可以自愿选择是否填写或修改昵称、个人简介、性别、地区、年龄信息。不填写上述内容,将不影响您的正常使用。您可以随时通过软件在个人资料页进行修改或删除。

(3) 系统自动收集的信息——当您使用我们的软件或服务时,在访问后台服务器时服务器会自动收集您的信息,例如您的IP地址、访问的URL。

(4) 设备信息——我们在为您提供服务时可能会用到你的设备信息(如设备ID、MAC地址、IMEI等)。

(5) 我们还可能收集其他类型的信息,这些信息与个人没有直接或间接关联,并且是聚类、匿名或取消识别的。例如,在实现特定功能时,可能收集用户的设备型号和系统版本号。收集此类信息的目的在于改善我们向您提供的服务。

3. 我们为什么要保留个人资料?


4. 我们如何处理个人资料?


(1) 提供服务和运营——包括:

(2) 满足我们的业务需求——例如监控、分析改进服务和软件性能及功能。

(3) 向您推送我们的产品和服务相关的信息;

(4) 履行我们的职责和执行服务条款,包括遵守所有适用的法律和法规。

(5) 回复您的请求——例如就您向我们的客服团队提交的问题联系您。

5. 我们是否会共享个人资料?


(1) 与向我们提供服务的其他公司共享:我们可能会向我们提供服务以履行服务和功能的第三方服务提供商共享个人资料。例如:向您提供的手机号码发送短信验证码或向您提供的邮箱地址发送邮件。

(2) 出于开展业务的目的、在法律允许的范围内或根据法律法规的要求与第三方共享,包括:

(3) 在获得您允许的情况下:经过您同意或在您授意下。

6. Cookie和跟踪技术?


7. 您有哪些隐私选项?


(1) 个人资料:当我们要求您提供个人资料时,您可以拒绝,但是拒绝后,部分或所有服务将有可能无法使用。

(2) 账户信息: 您可以直接通过软件登录您的账户查看或修改您的个人信息。

(3) 与Cookie有关的选项:

8. 我们如何保护您的个人资料?


9. 我们如何处理儿童的信息?


10. 您还应该知道什么?





11. 联系我们


12. 定义







技术使用情况资料是指我们从您访问网站或服务所用的手机、计算机或其他设备中收集的信息。 通过技术使用情况资料,我们可以了解您使用网站和服务的方式,例如您在网站上搜索并查看过哪些内容以及您使用服务的方式。这类资料包括您的IP地址、与网页加载或查看有关的统计资料、您访问我们的网站之前访问的网站,以及通过Cookie收集的其他使用情况和浏览信息。


13. 附加信息




Nexmo Limited (company number 07935346)——为我们提供短信发送服务,其隐私政策的链接如下:


苹果公司(Apple Inc. )——为我们提供支付、推送服务,其隐私政策的链接如下:


Paypal, Inc.——为我们提供支付功能。您可以前往其主页(https://www.paypal.com)了解最新的隐私政策。


Google——我们可能会使用Google Analytics来了解网站的使用情况。Google Analytics利用Cookie收集用户信息。有关Google Analytics的服务条款和隐私政策,请访问Google Analytics网站

O2Nails Privacy Policy 中文

Version: V1.1
Effective Date: 24 December, 2020

Welcome to use O2Nails series software and related services (hereinafter referred to as "this Software")!

This software is owned and operated by Guangzhou Taiji Electronic Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we").

The above O2Nails series software refers to all software owned and operated by us (Guangzhou Taiji Electronic Co., Ltd.), including O2Nails nail printer software, O-Pens color gel mixing pen software, etc.

1. Overview

We has developed this Privacy Policy to explain how we may collect, retain, process, share and transfer your Personal Data when you use our Software or Services (including access to our Sites). This Privacy Policy applies to the "Personal Data" provided by you when you use the Software or Services that are owned and controlled by us and provided by us.

This Privacy Policy is designed to help you obtain information about our privacy practices and help you understand your privacy choices when you use our Software and Services.

We have defined some terms that we use throughout this Privacy Policy. You can find the meaning of a capitalized term in the Definitions section.

Please contact us if you have questions about our privacy practices that are not addressed in this Privacy Policy.

2. What Personal Data Do We Collect?

We may collect information about you when you use our Software or Services, including one or more of the following information (whether or not it is personal):

(1) Registration information - When you register to use our Software or Services by establishing an Account, we will collect Personal Data as necessary to identify different users. We may require to provide us with your telephone number or email address, and login password.

(2) Information you provide on your own initiative - You can voluntarily choose whether to fill in or modify your nickname, introduction, gender, region, and age. Failure to fill in the above information will not affect your normal use. You can modify or delete it on your profile page at any time via the Software.

(3) Information automatically collected by the system - When you use our Software or Services, the server will automatically collect yourinformation when accessing the backend server, such as your IP address, URL accessed.

(4) Device information - We may use your device information (such as device ID, MAC address, IMEI, etc.) when we provide Services to you.

(5) We may also collect other types of information that are not directly or indirectly related to individuals and that are clustered, anonymous, or unrecognized. For example, when implementing a specific function, it is possible to collect the user's device model and system version number. The purpose of collecting these information is to improve the Services we provide to you.

3. Why Do We Retain Personal Data?

We retain Personal Data to fulfill our legal or regulatory obligations or for our business purposes. We may retain Personal Data for longer periods than required by law if it is in our legitimate business interests and not prohibited by law. If your Account is closed, we may take steps to delete or mask Personal Data and other information, but we reserve our right to retain and access the data for so long as required to comply with applicable laws. We will continue to use and disclose such Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

4. How Do We Process Personal Data?

We may process your information for the following reasons and purposes:

(1) To provide the Services and operations, including to:

(2) To manage our business needs, such as monitoring, analyzing, and improving the Services and the Software’s performance and functionality.

(3) To market to you about our products and Services.

(4) To comply with our obligations and to enforce the terms of our Services.

(5) To respond to your requests, for example to contact you about a question you submitted to our customer service team.

5. Do We Share Personal Data?

We may share your Personal Data or other information about you with others in a variety of ways as described in this section of the Privacy Policy. We will only share your Personal Data or other information for the following reasons and purposes:

(1) With other companies that provide services to us: We may share Personal Data with third-party service providers that perform services and functions. For example, send a SMS verification code to your mobile phone number or send an email to the email address you provided.

(2) With other third parties for our business purposes or as permitted or required by laws and regulations, including:

(3) With your consent: We also will share your Personal Data and other information with your consent or direction.

6. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

When you visit our Sites, use our Services, we and our business partners and vendors may use cookies and other tracking technologies (collectively,“Cookies”)to recognize you as a User and to customize your online experiences, the Services you use, and other online content and advertising; measure the effectiveness of promotions and perform analytics; and to mitigate risk, prevent potential fraud, and promote trust and safety across our Sites and Services. Certain aspects and functions of our Services and Sites are only available through the user of Cookies, so if you choose to disable or decline Cookies, your use of the Sites and Services may be limited or not possible.

7. What Privacy Choices Are Available To You?

You have choices when it comes to the privacy practices described in this Privacy Policy.

(1) Personal Data: You may decline to provide Personal Data when it is requested by us, but certain Services or all of the Services maybe not possible.

(2) Account Information: You can log in to your account directly through the Software to view or modify your personal information.

(3) Options Related to Cookies:

8. How Do We Protect Your Personal Data?

We use technology and administrative security measures to provide appropriate and alteration. Security measures include firewalls, data encryption, data access authorization controls, etc. We are actively working to ensure the security of our systems and services. However, it is your responsibility to ensure the security and privacy of the associated mobile phone, email, password and account/user information, and the consequences for the illegal use of your account due to your negligence will be borne by you.

9. How Do We Deal with Children’s Information?

The Software and Services are not directed to children under the age of 16. We do not knowingly collect information, including Personal Data, from children or other individuals who under the age of 16. Have collected Personal Data from a child under the age of 16, we will promptly delete itunless we are required by law to retain such information. Contact us if you believe that we have mistakenly or unintentionally collected information from a child under the age of 16.

10. What Else Should You Know?

Changes of This Privacy Policy:

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes to the Services, the functions, or applicable laws. The revised Privacy Policy will be effective as of the published effective date. For significant changes, we will prompt you through the pop-ups, pushes, etc. within the product or Services. Significant changes referred to in this Policy include but are not limited to:

Transfer your Personal Data to another country or region

We operate with the support of computer networks, cloud-based servers and other infrastructure and information technologies, including but not limited to third-party service providers. We and our third party service providers store and process your Personal Data in China and elsewhere in the world. If need to transfer your Personal Data to another country, we will protect your information as required by this Privacy Policy. By using our software or services, which means you consent to the transfer of personal data to other countries, including countries or regions that use different data protection rules in your country or region. We do not represent that the software and services are suitable and available in any particular jurisdiction.

11. Contact Us?

You may contact us if you have general questions about our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and practices or questions about your Account or Personal Data, please contact us at service@cybernail.com or the published contact information on our official website (http://www.o2nails.com).

12. Definitions

Account - refers to the user account registered when using the software or services we provide.

Device Information - refers to the information of mobile phones, tablets, computers and other devices used when using the software or services we provide, including but not limited to system version, software version, device name, MAC address, IMEI and other information.

Personal Data - refers to personal information that can be associated with an identified or identifiable individual. "Personal Data" can includename, postal address (including billing and shipping address), telephone number, email address, payment card number, other financial account information, account number, date of birth, and government-issued documents (e.g., driver's license number, national ID, passport, Social Security number and Taxpayer ID). Personal Data does not include information that does not identify a specific User.

Process - refers to any method or way that we handle Personal Data or sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, and consultation, disclosure by transmission, disseminating Or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of Personal Data.

Services - refers to any products, services, content, features, technologies, or functions, and all related websites, applications and services offered to you by us in connection with an Account or Checkout without a PayPal Account.

Sites - refers to the websites, mobile apps, official social media platforms, or other online properties through which we offers the Services and which has posted or linked to this Privacy Policy.

Technical Usage Data means information we collect from your phone, computer or other device that you use to access the Sites or Services. Technical Usage Data tells us how you use the Sites and Services, such as what you have searched for and viewed on the Sites and the way you use our Services, including your IP address, statistics regarding how pages are loaded or viewed, the websites you visited before coming to the Sites and other usage and browsing information collected through Cookies.

User - refers to an individual who uses the software we owned and operated (such as O2Nails nail printer software, O-Pens color gel mixing pen software, etc.), services or access to the website, and establish a relationship with us (for example, register an account and agree O2Nails User Service Agreement).

13. Additional Information

We will use some of the services provided by our partners or service providers when we provide services to you, including one or more of the following:

Alibaba Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. - provides us with cloud server, cloud database, push and other services. You can view the latest legal notice and privacy policy through the link below its homepage (https://www.aliyun.com).

Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. - provides us with SMS sending, push, software crash log collection, statistics services, and its privacy policy links are as follows:

Nexmo Limited (company number 07935346) - provides us with SMS delivery service, the link to its privacy policy is as follows:

Ant Financial Services Group - provides us with payment functions. The links to its privacy policy are as follows:

Apple (software le Inc.) - provides us with payment and push services, and its privacy policy links are as follows:

Beijing 263 Enterprise Communications Co., Ltd. - provides us with e-mail service, the link to its privacy policy is as follows:

Paypal, Inc. - Provide us with payment functionality. You can find the latest privacy policy on its homepage (https://www.paypal.com).

Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd. - provides online customer service and visitor data statistics analysis for our website. The links to its privacy policy are as follows:

Google - we may use Google Analytics to understand how our site is being used. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect user information. For Google Analytics’ Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, please visit the Google Analytics website.