O2Nails用户服务协议 English

版本:v1.2 生效日期: 2021年11月20日









(1) 本软件所提供之服务适用于年满16周岁以上的用户。 如果您未满16周岁,请不要注册使用本软件。

(2) 用户可以在未注册成为本软件正式用户前默认以"GUEST"身份体验本软件所提供的部分服务,此部分服务之内容可能会根据需求或产品需要被我们依据本协议进行修改,而无需事先通知用户。

(3) 用户在注册成为本软件正式用户时,应当使用手机号码或电子邮件地址绑定注册,请用户使用尚未与本软件用户绑定、且未被我们依据本协议封禁的手机号码或电子邮件地址注册账号。我们可以根据需求或产品需要对账号注册与绑定的方式进行变更,而无须事先通知用户。



(2) 用户在使用本软件提供的服务过程中,可能可以为您的帐户设置或修改密码、昵称、头像、签名、简介等信息或发表留言、评论,您应当保证这些信息的内容和形式符合事实、法律、法规、公序良俗、社会公德,且不会侵害任何主体的合法权益。我们有权利对我们认为不适当的内容进行删除、屏蔽等操作,我们有权对违反本协议中条款的用户帐号进行限制部分功能、禁止帐户登录。对违反法律的用户,我们保留一切追究其法律责任的权利。

(3) 我们通过本软件及相关服务为用户提供和更新产品相关的图案、款式设计、教程、视频、固件、APP及数据更新等资源下载使用。这些资源中可能包括第三方提供的内容,其中可能包括需要付费获取的内容(无论是由我们上传发布还是由第三方提供)。

(4) 为更好地提升用户体验及服务,我们将不定期提供本软件及相关服务的更新或改变(包括但不限于软件修改、升级、功能变化),在更新发布后,我们将在可行的条件下以适当的方式提示你进行更新。

(5) 为保障各方的安全和利益,我们限制一个帐号不可以同时在两台或两台以上设备上登录。

(6) 保护用户个人信息是我们的基本原则之一。我们将运用加密技术、匿名化处理等技术措施及安全措施保护您的个人信息,更多关于用户个人信息保护的内容请参见《O2Nails隐私政策》


(1) 用户违反本协议或相关的服务条款的规定,导致或产生的任何第三方主张的任何索赔、要求或损失,包括合理的律师费,用户同意赔偿我们与合作公司、关联公司,并使之免受损害。

(2) 用户因第三方如电信部门的通讯线路故障、技术问题、网络、电脑故障、系统不稳定性及其他各种不可抗力原因而遭受的一切损失,我们及合作单位不承担责任。

(3) 因技术故障等不可抗事件影响到服务的正常运行的,我们及合作单位承诺在第一时间内与相关单位配合,及时处理进行修复,但用户因此而遭受的一切损失,我们及合作单位不承担责任。

(4) 发布方在O2Nails平台发布图案、内容时应当保证这些信息的内容和形式符合事实、法律、法规、公序良俗、社会公德,且不会侵害任何主体的合法权益,包括但不限于版权、著作权、肖像权等。我们有权利对我们认为不适当的内容执行删除、屏蔽等措施,用户由此遭受的一切损失由发布方负责,对违反法律的用户,我们保留一切追究其法律责任的权利。


(1) 在此郑重提醒用户注意本协议中关于免责的条款,请仔细阅读并理解,自主考虑风险。

(2) 本协议中任何条款的部分或全部无效并不影响其它条款的效力。

(3) 本协议签订地为广州。本协议的解释、效力及纠纷的解决,适用中华人民共和国法律。若双方发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决,协商不成的,用户在此完全同意将纠纷或争议提交我司住所地即广州市有管辖权的人民法院管辖。

(4) 我们保留一切解释和修改权利。

O2Nails User Service Agreement 中文

Version: v1.2
Effective date: 20 November, 2021

Welcome to use O2Nails series software and related services (hereinafter referred to as "this Software")!

This software is owned and operated by Guangzhou Taiji Electronic Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we").

The above O2Nails series software refers to all software owned and operated by us (Guangzhou Taiji Electronic Co., Ltd.), including O2Nails nail printer software, background services, etc.

1. Special Reminding

Hereby, you (User) are reminded that before using the services provided by this Software,please read this Agreement carefully. This Agreement includes the O2Nails User Service Agreement and the O2Nails Privacy Policy (collectively referred to as the O2Nails User Service Agreement, hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement"). To ensure that you fully understand the terms of this Agreement, please read carefully and choose to accept or not accept this Agreement.

If you do not agree to this Agreement, this will result in our inability to provide you with complete products and services, or you may choose to discontinue use. If you choose to agree to or use thisSoftware and related services, it means you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

This Agreement stipulates the rights and obligations between this Software and the User regarding thesoftware services. “User”means the individual or related user who registers, logs in, or uses this Software. This Agreement can be updated at any time by the APP system running background. The updated agreement terms will replace the original agreement terms without prior notice. User can check the latest version of the agreement terms on the official website (https://www.o2nails.com) orin theAPP. User is also reminded to pay attention to the update of this Agreement at any time, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and disputes. After modifying the terms of thisAgreement, if the User does not accept the revised terms, please stop using the services provided by this Software immediately, and the user's continued use of the services provided by this Software will be deemed to accept the revised Agreement.

2. User Account Registration

(1) The services provided by this Software are applicable to User over 16 years of age. If you are under 16 years of age, please do not register to use this Software.

(2) User may experience some of the services provided by thisSoftware as "GUEST" by default before being registered as an official User of thisSoftware. The content of this part of the service may be modified by us according to the requirements or product requirements without prior notice to the user.

(3) When registering as an official User of this Software, the User should use the mobile phone number or email address to bind and register. Please use the mobile phone number or email that has not been bound to this SoftwareUser, and has not been blocked by this team according to this Agreement. We can change the account registration and binding way according to the needs or product needs, without prior notice to the User.

3. Rights and Obligations

(1) User should safely keep your account number, its password, the associated mobile number and email address. The loss and liability caused by the illegal use of the account due to improper storage is at your own risk.

(2) During the use of the services provided by the Software, User may set or modify password, nickname, avatar, signature, profile, etc. for your account, or post messages and comments . You should ensure that the content and form of such information are consistent with facts, laws, regulations, public order, and social morality, and will not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any subject. We have the right to delete, block, etc. the content that we believe is inappropriate. We reserve the right to restrict certain user accounts that violate the terms of this Agreement, and prohibit account login. We reserve the right to pursue all legal liabilities for users who violate the law.

(3) We use this Software and related Services to provide User with the resources to download and update thethe patterns, style designs, tutorials, videos, firmware, APP and data updates which are related to the products. These resources may include content provided by third parties, which may include content that needs to be paid for (whether it is uploaded by us or provided by a third party).

(4) In order to further enhance the user experience and services, we will update or change the Software and related Services from time to time (including but not limited to software modifications, upgrades, and functional changes). After the update is released, we will prompt you to update in an appropriate manner, as far as practicable.

(5) To protect the security and interests of all parties, we restrict that an account cannot be logged in on two or more then two devices at the same time.

(6) Protecting User’spersonal information is one of our basic principles. We will use encryption technology, anonymization and other technical measures and security measures to protect your personal information. For more information about user personal information protection, please refer to the O2Nails Privacy Policy.

4. Legal Liability and Disclaimer

(1) If the User violates this Agreement or the relevant service terms, resulting in or arising out of any claims, claims or losses claimed by any third party, including reasonable attorneys' fees, the User agrees to indemnify us and the partner companies, affiliated companies, and protect them from loss and harm.

(2) All User’s losses due to communication line failures, technical problems, networks, computer failures, system instability and other force majeure causes of third parties such as the telecommunications sector, we and our partner units are not liable.

(3) If the normal operation of the service is affected by irresistible events such as technical failures, we and the cooperation units promise to cooperate with the relevant units in the first time to deal with the repairs, but all User losses suffered by this, we and the cooperation units are not liable.

(4) When publishing patterns and content on the O2Nails platform, the publisher shall ensure that the content and form of such information are consistent with facts, laws, regulations, public order, and social morality, and will not infringe the legal rights and interests of any subject, including but not limited to copyright, literary property, and portrait rights etc. We have the right to delete and block content that we deem inappropriate. The publisher is responsible for all losses suffered by users. We reserve the right to pursue all legal liabilities for users who violate the law.

5. Other Terms

(1) We hereby solemnly remind User to pay attention to the disclaimer terms in this Agreement, please read and understand the terms carefully and consider the risks.

(2) The invalidity of some or all of the terms of this Agreement does not affect the validity of the other terms.

(3) The place of signing this Agreement is Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China. The interpretation, validity and resolution of this Agreement shall apply to the laws of the People's Republic of China. In the event of any dispute or dispute between the two parties, it shall first be settled through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, the User hereby completely agrees to submit the dispute or dispute to the jurisdiction of the People's Court of Guangzhou, where the residence of the company is located.

(4) We reserve all rights to interpret and modify this Agreement.